
Ideal Op Amp Assumptions

The name Ideal Op Amp is applied to this and similar analysis because the salient parameters of the op amp are assumed to be perfect. There is no such thing as an ideal op amp, but present day op amps come so close to ideal that Ideal Op Amp analysis approaches actual analysis. Op amps depart from the ideal in two ways. First, dc parameters such as input offset voltage are large enough to cause departure from the ideal. The ideal assumes that input offset voltage is zero. Second, ac parameters such as gain are a function of frequency, so they go from large values at dc to small values at high frequencies.

This assumption simplifies the analysis, thus it clears the path for insight. It is so much easier to see the forest when the brush and huge trees are cleared away. Although the ideal op amp analysis makes use of perfect parameters, the analysis is often valid because some op amps approach perfection. In addition, when working at low frequencies, several kHz, the ideal op amp analysis produces accurate answers. Voltage feedback op amps are covered in this chapter, and current feedback op amps are covered in "Current-Feedback Op Amp Analysis" section.

Several assumptions have to be made before the ideal op amp analysis can proceed. First, assume that the current flow into the input leads of the op amp is zero. This assumption is almost true in FET op amps where input currents can be less than a pA, but this is not always true in bipolar high-speed op amps where tens of µA input currents are found.
Second, the op amp gain is assumed to be infinite, hence it drives the output voltage to any value to satisfy the input conditions. This assumes that the op amp output voltage can achieve any value. In reality, saturation occurs when the output voltage comes close to a power supply rail, but reality does not negate the assumption, it only bounds it.

Also, implicit in the infinite gain assumption is the need for zero input signal. The gain drives the output voltage until the voltage between the input leads (the error voltage) is zero. This leads to the third assumption that the voltage between the input leads is zero.The implication of zero voltage between the input leads means that if one input is tied to a hard voltage source such as ground, then the other input is at the same potential. The current flow into the input leads is zero, so the input impedance of the op amp is infinite.

Fourth, the output impedance of the ideal op amp is zero. The ideal op amp can drive any load without an output impedance dropping voltage across it. The output impedance of most op amps is a fraction of an ohm for low current flows, so this assumption is valid in most cases. Fifth, the frequency response of the ideal op amp is flat; this means that the gain does not vary as frequency increases. By constraining the use of the op amp to the low frequencies, we make the frequency response assumption true.

Table 3–1 lists the basic ideal op amp assumptions and FIgure 3–1shows the ideal op amp.

Figure 3–1. The Ideal Op Amp

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