


My name is Bresly Tua Sihite.
You can call me Bresly.
I am a person who is interesting about Electrical Engineering.
Especially about Operational Amplifiers (Op Amps) Design Practice.

Since years of 2008 i working as an Electrical and Process Engineer on Construction Projects and Electronics Services Company.
I was studied in Mechatronics and Control Engineering.

Blog contents i was got from book of "Op Amps for Everyone" by Ron Mancini (Chief Editor - Texas Instruments) that i have since study and working experiences in industry.

Question: Why i share all contents from his book ?
Answer: To make all internet user easy get references in seconds around the world.

It is great aptitude to share all Electrical knowledge in internet.

Any comments, questions, advice are welcome.

Hopefully all of you enjoy to read my blog at


Main History About Op Amp