
Comparison of Compensation Schemes

Internally compensated op amps can, and often do, oscillate under some circuit conditions. Internally compensated op amps need an external pole to get the oscillation or ringing started, and circuit stray capacitances often supply the phase shift required for instability. Loads, such as cables, often cause internally compensated op amps to ring severely.
Dominant pole compensation is often used in IC design because it is easy to implement. It rolls off the closed-loop gain early; thus, it is seldom used as an external form of compensation unless filtering is required. Load capacitance, depending on its pole location, usually causes the op amp to ring. Large load capacitance can stabilize the op amp because it acts as dominant pole compensation.
The simplest form of compensation is gain compensation. High closed-loop gains are reflected in lower loop gains, and in turn, lower loop gains increase stability. If an op amp circuit can be stabilized by increasing the closed-loop gain, do it.
Stray capacitance across the feedback resistor tends to stabilize the op amp because it is a form of lead compensation. This compensation scheme is useful for limiting the circuit bandwidth, but it decreases the closed-loop gain.
Stray capacitance on the inverting input works with the parallel combination of the feedback and gain setting resistors to form a pole in the Bode plot, and this pole decreases the circuit’s stability. This effect is normally observed in high-impedance circuits built with CMOS op amps. Adding a feedback capacitor forms a compensated attenuator scheme that cancels out the input pole. The cancellation occurs when the input and feedback RC time constants are equal. Under the conditions of equal time constants, the op amp functions as though the stray input capacitance was not there. An excellent method of implementing a compensated attenuator is to build a stray feedback capacitor using the ground plane and a trace off the output node.
Lead-lag compensation stabilizes the op amp, and it yields the best closed-loop frequency performance. Contrary to some published opinions, no compensation scheme will increase the bandwidth beyond that of the op amp. Lead-lag compensation just gives the best bandwidth for the compensation.

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